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I am much more comfortable in PHP than CF, but CF is starting to grow on me.

Sometimes PHP seems more elegant, and sometime CF wins.  I think that if you
are familiar with Linux/UNIX that PHP is a better choice.  But if you have
no experience with UNIX then CF is better for you because that is a pretty
big learning curve.

Also keep in mind that you can extend PHP to do whatever you want (you have
the source code for gods sake)...whereas with CF you may be limited by the
CFX API and some other things.

A good programmer will be able to do whatever they want with either
language.  It just depends on what environment you are in (Windows or
UNIX)...PHP really kicks ass in UNIX, I have never heard anyone say CF kicks
ass in Linux.

Just my little addition.


Bryan D. Batchelder       Work: 813-935-7100
Palm/Internet Developer   Home: 727-547-1322
ConnectWise, Inc. (
2803 West Busch Blvd, Suite 204
Tampa, FL 33618

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: cf vs php

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: cf vs php

I've seen a lot of "cf vs asp" stuff floating around, but I was wondering if
anybody had seen anything about cf vs php.  It seems like it would be good
scripting language to pick up only because everything you need to run a php
application is free excluding the minimal amount of hardware you would need.
It appears to resemble coldfusion more than asp does so I'm wondering if
anybody has had any experience with comparing the two.

I will take a stab at this one. I have used Php on a more limited scale
but I do think its a rather nice language, just not as 'quick' to develop
for. Here goes some stuff. this is not complete or in no way anything
but things off the top of my head.

ColdFusion is tag-based, Php is more like.. ASP in syntax. eliminating
some of the ugliness of ASP IMO.

Php has real live functions. Php, has easy access to a spell checker
built in.

Php has WDDX utilities available to it. i forget what it can deserialize
data to.  Php, is implmenting in Php4, an OO system that is
really quite nice. In Php4 the speed is supposed to be increased a lot.
Php, has support for socket programming. Php can plug into apache
via an apache module.

Php has modules to connect to most any database available to the
*nix world and it is also portable to NT. Note it is native
to *nix and Its much better designed to work on a *nix environment
as far as production goes. (IE: Linux).

Php is free. You get the source to php.

Php has PDF manipulation functions.

There is a free XML parser availalbe to PHP.

PHP has a debugger built in.

PHP has memory and semaphore functions.

PHP has COM support functions to invoke and use COM objects

PHP has built in GIF functions to create GIF's

PHP has classes and objects.

This is just a little list, Ill assume you guys are familiar with ColdFusion
and let you figure out the comparison on your own. Writing code
for PHP, is not really that terrible. Its got a Perl/C like syntax
and its not as easy for a newbie to pick up and.. its prevalent on a
*nix platform.  And.. if you could nto guess PHP is a HTML pre
processor just like ColdFusion. It performs many of the functions
as ColdFusion offering a very rich set of services to a able minded
programmer :)

Jeremy Allen

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Content-Type: text/html;
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<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
<META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
<TITLE>RE: cf vs php</TITLE>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>I am much more comfortable in PHP than CF, but CF is =
starting to grow on me.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Sometimes PHP seems more elegant, and sometime CF =
wins.&nbsp; I think that if you are familiar with Linux/UNIX that PHP =
is a better choice.&nbsp; But if you have no experience with UNIX then =
CF is better for you because that is a pretty big learning =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Also keep in mind that you can extend PHP to do =
whatever you want (you have the source code for gods sake)...whereas =
with CF you may be limited by the CFX API and some other =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>A good programmer will be able to do whatever they =
want with either language.&nbsp; It just depends on what environment =
you are in (Windows or UNIX)...PHP really kicks ass in UNIX, I have =
never heard anyone say CF kicks ass in Linux.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Just my little addition.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>--b</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>--------------------------------------------</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Bryan D. =
Batchelder&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Work: =
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Palm/Internet Developer&nbsp;&nbsp; Home: =
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>--------------------------------------------</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>ConnectWise, Inc. (</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>2803 West Busch Blvd, Suite 204</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Tampa, FL 33618</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>--------------------------------------------</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>-----Original Message-----</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>From: Jeremy Allen [<A =
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 3:48 PM</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Subject: Re: cf vs php</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>----- Original Message -----</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>From: Adam Cantrell &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 2:04 PM</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Subject: cf vs php</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>I've seen a lot of &quot;cf vs asp&quot; stuff =
floating around, but I was wondering if</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>anybody had seen anything about cf vs php.&nbsp; It =
seems like it would be good</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>scripting language to pick up only because =
everything you need to run a php</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>application is free excluding the minimal amount of =
hardware you would need.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>It appears to resemble coldfusion more than asp does =
so I'm wondering if</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>anybody has had any experience with comparing the =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>!-------------------</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>I will take a stab at this one. I have used Php on a =
more limited scale</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>but I do think its a rather nice language, just not =
as 'quick' to develop</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>for. Here goes some stuff. this is not complete or =
in no way anything</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>but things off the top of my head.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>ColdFusion is tag-based, Php is more like.. ASP in =
syntax. eliminating</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>some of the ugliness of ASP IMO.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php has real live functions. Php, has easy access to =
a spell checker</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>built in.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php has WDDX utilities available to it. i forget what =
it can deserialize</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>data to.&nbsp; Php, is implmenting in Php4, an OO =
system that is</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>really quite nice. In Php4 the speed is supposed to =
be increased a lot.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php, has support for socket programming. Php can =
plug into apache</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>via an apache module.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php has modules to connect to most any database =
available to the</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>*nix world and it is also portable to NT. Note it is =
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>to *nix and Its much better designed to work on a =
*nix environment</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>as far as production goes. (IE: Linux).</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php is free. You get the source to php.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Php has PDF manipulation functions.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>There is a free XML parser availalbe to PHP.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>PHP has a debugger built in.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>PHP has memory and semaphore functions.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>PHP has COM support functions to invoke and use COM =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>PHP has built in GIF functions to create GIF's</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>PHP has classes and objects.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>This is just a little list, Ill assume you guys are =
familiar with ColdFusion</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>and let you figure out the comparison on your own. =
Writing code</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>for PHP, is not really that terrible. Its got a =
Perl/C like syntax</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>and its not as easy for a newbie to pick up and.. =
its prevalent on a</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>*nix platform.&nbsp; And.. if you could nto guess =
PHP is a HTML pre</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>processor just like ColdFusion. It performs many of =
the functions</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>as ColdFusion offering a very rich set of services =
to a able minded</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>programmer :)</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Jeremy Allen</FONT>

<P><FONT =
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