First, before you do anything. Install every patch for IIS!

Just to add to what others have said, in Win2k at least, by default all files
and directories have "Everyone" with Full Control, so the
IUSR_MachineName user should already have full access to your web root
by proxy...

Make sure that in IIS, Allow Anonymous Connections is enabled under
Directory Security, and that the anonymous user name is actually IUSR.

On your web root folder (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\), go to properties,
security, and uncheck Allow Inheritable Permissions, and click Copy.
Remove the user Everyone, and add Administrators, and IUSR.
Then go to advanced, and check Reset Permissions...Then click OK,

That should do it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 5:06:13 PM, you wrote:
NB> First and foremost -- I am a self proclaimed illiterate (in totality) 
NB> regarding Network admin, security\permissions, etc. knowledge.

NB> I recently installed CF 5.0 on a new computer system running Windows XP Pro.

NB> Anonymous access to the web server is not working when trying to access for 
NB> example I.e., I can't get around the 
NB> requirement for a User Name and Password

NB> Access using the dir\filename, as below, works.

NB> http://localhost/index.html and c:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html

NB> All of the documentation that came with CF 5.0 and that I can find on the 
NB> Web site addresses Win 95, 98, NT and 2000. Some of the 
NB> directories, file names, etc. described for those OS's don't appear to have 
NB> different names or are in different locations in XP Pro

NB> Any help would be appreciated?

NB> Thanks,

NB> Nick

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