gotta love!!!!! I can't believe I forgot about that resource.
-----Original Message----- From: Matthew Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:37 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Query to Structure with keys... If you are looking at moving a query to a structure there is a great UDF on cflib that I use all the time. Try this below (this is not my code!!!) and then put the output into a cfdump to see the outcome. For full documentation look at <cfscript> /** * Converts a query object into a structure of structures accessible by its primary key. * * @param theQuery The query you want to convert to a structure of structures. * @param primaryKey Query column to use as the primary key. * @return Returns a structure. * @author Shawn Seley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) * @version 1, March 27, 2002 */ function QueryToStructOfStructures(theQuery, primaryKey){ var theStructure = structnew(); // remove primary key from cols listing var cols = ListToArray(ListDeleteAt(theQuery.columnlist, ListFindNoCase(theQuery.columnlist, primaryKey))); var row = 1; var thisRow = ""; var col = 1; for(row = 1; row LTE theQuery.recordcount; row = row + 1){ thisRow = structnew(); for(col = 1; col LTE arraylen(cols); col = col + 1){ thisRow[cols[col]] = theQuery[cols[col]][row]; } theStructure[theQuery[primaryKey][row]] = duplicate(thisRow); } return(theStructure); } </cfscript> -----Original Message----- From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:20 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Query to Structure with keys... Code examples would be great!!! -----Original Message----- From: Matthew Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:24 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Query to Structure with keys... you could use the valuelist(query.colname) function to do this with out the loop -----Original Message----- From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:13 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Query to Structure with keys... First of all, if you want to use the Product ID's you need to return them with the Select Clause. Just using a field in the where clause does not return them. <cfquery name="getProductDetails" datasource="XXX"> SELECT Product_ID, PartNumber, ProductTitle FROM Products P WHERE Product_ID IN (9909,9910,9911,9912,9913,9914,9371,9372,9378,9380,9855,8081,9631) </cfquery> Then what I've done in the past is just loop over the query and create a structure. I'd love to know if there are any more direct ways to do this. <cfscript> productStruct = newStruct(); for (i=1;i<=getProductDetails.recordcount;i=i+1) { tempArray = newArray(1); tempArray[1] = getProductDetails.PartNumber; tempArray[2] = getProductDetails.ProductTitle; productStruc[getProductDetails.Product_ID][i] = tempArray; } </cfscript> Then you should be able to play with your new structure something like this. <cfoutput> <td>PartNumber</td><td>ProductTitle</td> <td>#productStruct['9911'][1]#</td><td>#productStruct['9911'][2]#</td> </cfoutput> Please pardon in problem with my <cfscript> code. I just wrote that off the top of my head, and I don't use <cfscript> all that often. I hope this helps. Ian Skinner -----Original Message----- From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 11:13 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Query to Structure with keys... Hey its Brainfart Wednesday. Everyday lately seems to be a brainfart. I have this query... <cfquery name="getProductDetails" datasource="XXX"> SELECT PartNumber, ProductTitle FROM Products P WHERE Product_ID IN (9909,9910,9911,9912,9913,9914,9371,9372,9378,9380,9855,8081,9631) </cfquery> I would to place this query into a structure. The keys need to come from the Product_IDs in the where clause of the query. Each key has as its value, the column names that are returned. Any ideas on how to do this??? <cfscript> based code samples would be appreciated. Ché Vilnonis Application Developer Advertising Systems Incorporated 8470C Remington Avenue Pennsauken, NJ 08110 p: 856.488.2211 f: 856.488.1990 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: Subscription: FAQ: Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics.