I am sure there is a better way, however the "\" is part
of the ReReplace command for RegularExpressions.

<cfset dir="D:\\">

<cfset slash_counter = #FindNoCase("\\",dir,1)#>
<CFLOOP condition="slash_counter NEQ 0">
        <cfset dir=#Replace(dir,"\\","\","All")#>
        <cfset slash_counter = #FindNoCase("\\",dir,1)#>

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 12:29PM >>>
For some reason I can't to a replace on the following:

dir = D:\\

<cfset test = #RERplace(dir,"\\","\","ALL")#>

Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
Commanding Officer
Marine Ground Forces
Guatanamo Bay, Cuba

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