Hi all,

I'm having a problem where an Application.cfm file that I've updated is
not consistent with what's being executed.
I have a request.dsn variable which was changed but the change is not
reflected on the server both from observed behavior and the debug window
shows request.dsn being set to the old value.

Things I checked:

- Trusted cache is not on (this is a development box).

- I deleted everything in /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfclasses

- I touch-ed the Application.cfm file to make sure that it's timestamp
is new.

- I verified the date/time on the server is current.

The server config is CFMX (Updater 2) on Solaris 2.8, iPlanet 6.0 SP 4

I can create new test files and put them out on the server and they run
fine, it's just changes to existing files (like adding debug info etc.)
that don't work.  I've restarted CF a number of times including after
removing the class files.
This is pretty odd because I've been working with this server for the
past few weeks without a problem and there aren't any other developers
using it.

I just noticed that there doesn't seem to be a class file that
corresponds to Application.cfm in the cfclasses directory.  A bit
strange because I can see an OnRequestEnd in there.

I've no idea what else I can try and I have a demo deadline looming so
any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated!



Kevin Gilchrist CISSP
Aim: mcgiollachriost
MSN: kevin_gilchrist
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