Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Hi, all.
> How can I get the same results as this query with using the subselect?
> <CFQUERY Name="GetWaivers" Datasource="#DSN#">
>      Select UW.UtilityWaiverID
>         from utilitywaivers UW
>       where Month(UW.IssueDate) = #Form.Month#
>          and Year(UW.IssueDate) = #Form.Year#
>          and UW.ClientID not in
>                (Select RW.ClientID from RentalWaivers RW
>                 where Month(RW.RentalWaiverDate) = #Form.Month#
>                    and Year(RW.RentalWaiverDate) = #Form.Year#)
> (I'll be soooo glad when they get subselects in mySQL 4.2!)

do a left outer join on RentalWaivers in the query and then do a check 
that where UW.ClientID is null (if, this is standard perfomance 
improvement anyway as it uses a index...)

"not in" is actually a real bad performance killer... this technique is 
found in most good oracle books... should work for mysql but i don't know


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