Yea, there's a couple things you can do ...

Make sure that every word in the dream is bounded by spaces

You can do this with a couple regular expressions like this:

<cfset dreamtext = REReplace(dreamtext,"([[:alpha:]])([^ [:alpha:]])","\1
<cfset dreamtext = REReplace(dreamtext,"([^ [:alpha:]])([[:alpha:]])","\1

To give you a quick run-down ( in case you're unfamiliar with regular
expressions ), this says find an alphabetic character [[:alpha:]] followed
by a character that is not a space and not alphabetical [^ [:alpha:]], and
replace them with the first character \1 a space and the second character \2
-- it then reverses the position of the alpha and the non alpha characters
and places spaces in front of words which are prepended with something other
than a space.

Then feed your massaged dream text into the stored procedure with an extra
space on either side of the text and add the spaces to the query like so:

WHERE dreams.dream LIKE '% ' + dictionary.word + ' %'

Alternatively, you could just change anything that's not a space into a
space before you feed it to the stored procedure like this:

<cfquery ...>
        exec sp_DreamNewLookup
        @txt_dream = ' #REReplace(dreamtext,"[^ [:alpha:]]"," ","ALL")# ';

This is going to also replace numbers and punctuation, however, so you
probably won't want to store the text after this REReplace() function call.

If you need / want more help with regular expressions, check out the
cf-regex list also on


s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

new epoch            

lead architect, tapestry cms

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

> No you were correct I only want to pull the dictionary
> words that were found
> in the dream. The code you gave me worked great the only
> issue i see now for
> example let's say the word is FEEL then it pulls EEL out
> of the dictionary.
> IS there a way to avoid that?

>> >> I'm not a SQL wizard and am doing this off the top of
>> >> my
>> >> head, but I'd try
>> >> something along the lines of
>> >>
>> >> select word from dictionary where
>> >> (select dream from dreams where dream_id = #dreamid#)
>> >> like ('%' + word + '%')
>> >>
>> >> But, again, that's off the top of my head.
>> >>
>> > What you mean is :
>> > SELECT dictionary.word, dictionary.definition
>> > FROM dictionary LEFT JOIN dream
>> > ON dreams.dream LIKE '%' + dictionary.word + '%'
>> > Which is what Isaac's got in his stored proc... ;o)
>>Accept that if you left join dream, you'll get every word
>>from the
>>dictionary -- I was under the impression ( possibly
>>mistaken ) he was
>>looking for only words appearing in the dream text ...
>>s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046
>>new epoch            
>>lead architect, tapestry cms
>>certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~|
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