Rob Rohan wrote:
> We just moved from 5 to MX and are cleaning up some final odds and ends. One
> of the last things we are checking is to see if the site is at least usable
> in 4.7 (I hate 4.7 I wish it would've been time bombed).
> When I hit any page on the site, the text turns to squares.  Like it is
> using an unsupported font or style sheet or something. The crazy part is it
> never did this before we moved to MX.  MX does Unicode stuff and I am hoping
> our issue is a bad html declaration or something. we have
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> at the top of our pages now. Has anyone seen this issues before? I am
> curious as to why it  started after the upgrade. Do we need an encoding
> parameter somewhere (like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> has in
> xml)?

Use cfcontent to explicitly specify whatever charset you used to use 
before the upgrade.


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