I'm honestly not sure how standards compliant it is (it covers
everything, but does call out browser specific code) but the O'Reilly
book "Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference" is great.  It's one of the
few books I keep on my "close at hand" shelf.

I believe there's an updated version available that specifically covers
the W3C spec (the version I have didn't because it didn't yet exist).

Jim Davis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 11:22 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: OT: W3C DOM Reference 
> I've been putting off going and buying a reference book for 
> the W3C's dom .. I really like the dhtml reference on 
> msdn.microsoft.com (in spite of its own dhtml being a bit hit 
> or miss) -- it's really handy -- but I need something that 
> includes only the official W3C specification. The MS site for 
> starters claims that there's no specification of standard for 
> the window.history object, which would be news to me. Anybody 
> know of anything like this? I've been searching the web for a 
> couple hours and haven't found anything particularly useful.
> s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046
> new epoch                      http://www.turnkey.to
> lead architect, tapestry cms   http://products.turnkey.to
> certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer 
> http://www.macromedia.com/v1/handlers/index.cf> m?ID=21816
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