Can you provide an example of what the query is outputting?
To include the SQL code?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/23/02 11:29AM >>>
no the relid is the same as the name.  
that is why i thought it was wierd it wouldnt group on it.  
the secy name shows multiple time in the sql query tho.  but i would
think it would still group by that id in the web code.

-----Original Message-----
From: Randell B Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Grouping

If the Secretaries name appears multiple times, since your secondary
is on: relid

try outputting that along with the name and see if the relid changes.
If the name appears multiple times then I am sure the relID also

Could be something with the database.

It appears that in the query, the secretary is in the table multiple
times with a
different relID each time.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/23/02 11:11AM >>>
in my sql query, i have attorneys and secretaries that output.  an
attorney can have multiple secretaries.  so i want to be able to group
by the attorney's id at the top level so he only appears once.  and
works fine.
but in the same row, im outputting the secretary and her name could
appear 2 or 3 times.  i tried doing a second group on the secretary id
and it isnt working.  does anyone have ideas?  i enclosed a snippet of
the code.


<CFOUTPUT query="qrySResults" group="Listing_ID">
<cfparam name="Switch" default="">
<cfif switch EQ TRUE>
<tr bgcolor="CCCC99">
<cfset switch = False>
<tr bgcolor="">
<cfset switch = True>
        <td class="BIOS" width="25%" align="left" valign="top"
        <a class="BIOS" href="biography.cfm?LID=#Listing_ID#">
        #FIRST_NM#      #MIDDLE_NM# #LAST_NM#
#SUFFIX#</a><br>#POSITION_NM#   </td>
        <td class="BIOS" width="10%" align="left"
valign="middle">#city#  </td>
        <td class="BIOS" width="25%" valign="top">#PHONE_NUM#
<br>                                                            <a
class="BIOS" href="mailto:#email_addr#";>#email_addr#</a> 
        <td valign="middle" class="BIOS">
        <cfoutput group="relid">#SECYFIRST#

Becky Jones
Web/Applications Specialist
Miles & Stockbridge
10 Light Street
Baltimore, MD  21202
410.385.3739 office, 410.385.3700 fax
443.324.8648 cell

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