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Here's the situation:  I understand normalization and can
easily create a database to suit my needs in Access.  But
using it on the web with cold fusion has me confused - what
I have is: faculy members.  Every faculty member is in a
table, their email is the primary key which derives their
name, office location, phone, etc.  Each faculty member each
year publishes articles, chapters, books, etc., and right
now I just have it set up simply as a Textarea to submit it
to a memo block in my db - ideally, I would like to select
the year, and input data in a block for that year, etc.
Does this sound clear?  I would create a faculty table, a
year table, and a year/faculty table where year and faculty
id identify publications for that year.  Just looking for
someone to give me very simple direction, and I can work
from there.  Thanks

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fn:             Jamie Symonds
n:              Symonds;Jamie
adr:            Box 780;;St. F.X.U.;Antigonish;Nova Scotia;B2G 2X1;Canada
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          Bachelor of Information Systems, Major (student)
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