
Thank you for your time! I need to do some thinking on this one.

Have a great holiday,

Ben Doom wrote:

>I'm still not sure that frames would be an ideal solution, unless you can
>specify a target id for a form (I don't remember that you can, but that
>doesn't mean you can't :-) but I'll let you design it however you want.
>I suspect (just from a cursory glance) that the problem is in your
>processing of input data and the prev/next links.  It looks like you are
>only checking for form scoped data, where the prev/next links would probably
>propagate that data via url scope.  Just do something like:
><cfif isdefined("form.firstname")>
>       <cfset variables.firstname = trim(form.firstname)>
><cfelseif isdefined("url.firstname")>
>       <cfset variables.firstname = trim(url.firstname)>
>       <cfset variables.firstname = "">
>Or whatever you want the default to be.  Or you could leave it undefined and
>check for its existence in your query.  Or whatever.  The point is that you
>have to be pulling the data from the URL scope for the links to work.
>  --Ben Doom
>    Programmer & General Lackey
>    Moonbow Software
>: -----Original Message-----
>: From: James Blaha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>: Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 3:00 PM
>: To: CF-Talk
>: Subject: Re: Issue: P n of x with a Table and CFQUERY search Criteria
>: Ben,
>: Sorry for the confusion I hope I can clarify this better. In frame “A”
>: there is a form with lets say 2 fields FirstName & LastName enter the
>: information click submit and the persons record shows up on the right
>: side “B”. At the top of the page for “B” it says:
>: 1. FirstName xxxx
>: 2. LastName xxx
>: Web Page has 2 pages
>: *******
>: *A | B *
>: *******
>: Then below the information the table output is displayed. Let’s say the
>: user doesn’t select anything and they get all the people in the
>: database. When they click next the query should show the next 10 people
>: and still show the criteria the user is searching by.
>: 3. FirstName ALL
>: 4. LastName ALL
>: Does this help? I can get it to work this way at all.
>: -JB
>: Ben Doom wrote:
>: >I don't understand what problem you're having with using dynamic
>: queries and
>: >next/prev links.  I use forward and back links all the time when dealing
>: >with any query which returns a result set to large to be easily
>: displayed on
>: >a single page.  What issues are you having?
>: >
>: >When you talk about framed page A and framed page B, are you referring to
>: >different frames?  If it were I, I'd simply create a table with
>: an area for
>: >modifying the query and an area for display.  CFparam in the
>: default query
>: >parameters before displaying the form for modifying them, and set the
>: >display value of the form elements to the value of the existing
>: parameter.
>: >That is, do something like:
>: ><cfparam name="name" default="bob">
>: ><cfoutput>
>: ><form>
>: ><input type="text" name="name" value="#name#">\
>: ></form>
>: ></cfoutput>
>: >That way, whatever is passed via the form will "stick".  You can
>: do similar
>: >things for checkboxes, selects, textareas, etc.  This will simplify your
>: >codebase by not requiring you to jump back and forth between frames,
>: >probably via JavaScript.
>: >
>: >Anyway, HTH.
>: >
>: >
>: >
>: >  --Ben Doom
>: >    Programmer & General Lackey
>: >    Moonbow Software
>: >
>: >: -----Original Message-----
>: >: From: James Blaha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>: >: Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:14 PM
>: >: To: CF-Talk
>: >: Subject: Issue: P n of x with a Table and CFQUERY search Criteria
>: >:
>: >:
>: >: Hello Everyone:
>: >:
>: >: Issue: P n of x with a Table and CFQUERY search Criteria
>: >:
>: >: I don't really know where to start on this one. In both beginner Ben
>: >: Forta CF 5 and MX books there is a great example to output a table
>: >: displaying 10 rows and it provides you a next and previous button to
>: >: view the rest of the results, in the MX book its in chapter 21.
>: >:
>: >: I want to use this code but I would like to make a dynamic query that
>: >: will be populated by a form from. When I use the code it only
>: works with
>: >: a hard coded query how can I get it to work the way I want. My ideal
>: >: situation is using a framed page where the user will enter their
>: >: criteria in framed page A and click submit which will pass the form
>: >: variables to framed page B which will in turn show the results along
>: >: with the variables that are being passed to populate the table
>: and still
>: >: show the searched criteria as the user click next and previous.
>: >:
>: >: Help Help Help
>: >:
>: >: Thanks in advance,
>: >: James Blaha
>: >
>: ><snip />
>: >
>: >
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