Depends on the DB.  In MS-SQL you can set it in Server Enterprise Manager
pretty easily in the define table view.  The easiest thing here, if that is
the DB you're using and you have access to the Manager, is to remove that
column from the table and recreate it with a default value (look at the
options in the bottom half of the screen).

If it's something else, you'll have to ask someone else.  :-)

  --Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Mike Miessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 1:56 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: RE: New User
: How do I set a default date?
: -----Original Message-----
: From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 1:52 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: RE: New User
: 1/1/1900 is the default date in MS SQL 2K (and, I assume, many other
: DBs).
: It sounds like you didn't set a default date when you created the
: column, so
: it's returning the system default.
:   --Ben Doom
:     Programmer & General Lackey
:     Moonbow Software
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: Mike Miessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: : Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 1:34 PM
: : To: CF-Talk
: : Subject: RE: New User
: :
: :
: : OK that sounds reasonable I'll try that.  Now I'm trying to add a date
: : display field but it is returning the same date each time 01/01/1900
: and
: : I know that's not right :)
: :
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: : Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 1:25 PM
: : To: CF-Talk
: : Subject: RE: New User
: :
: : You will need to put back in the leading % in case the word they are
: : searching for is in the middle of a title.
: :
: : Example
: :
: : Search string = "Time"
: :
: : Will return = "Time to go"
: :
: : Will not return = "It's Time to go."
: :
: : Also someone else mentioned using upper(), on the column and the
: search
: : string your looking for to get by the case sensitivity of the db, I
: : would recommend you doing it as well.
: :
: : Tim
: :
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: Mike Miessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: : Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 1:15 PM
: : To: CF-Talk
: : Subject: RE: New User
: :
: :
: : I took out the leading % and I dropped the ?TITLE from the action on
: the
: : process button and my query now works.  Thanks to you guys :)
: :
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: : Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 12:07 PM
: : To: CF-Talk
: : Subject: Re: New User
: :
: : Take out the leading % and your query will work. With both % in there
: : this
: : returns everything because to SQL, your string is like everything in
: the
: : database.
: :
: : HTH,
: : Clint
: :
: : ----- Original Message -----
: : From: "Mike Miessen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: : To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: : Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 11:03 AM
: : Subject: New User
: :
: :
: : > I have been trying to do a search of a database.  It is a very small
: : > testing database and I wrote a search entry form with dream weaver
: : with
: : > one field.  This field should search on the title field of the
: : database
: : > and return results that contain the entry.  I am a raw newbie here
: and
: : > contemplating beating my head against a wall on this.  Well my query
: : > does not seem to work.  I get all the records returned every time
: not
: : > just the ones that contain the search term.
: : >
: : > Here I was thinking this would be easy.  Boy was I wrong!  Here is
: my
: : > code   Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  The path to the
: : search
: : > form is
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : > <cfquery name="rsTitle" datasource="bluegrasspro" username="LOL"
: : > password="YeaRight" debug="yes">
: : > <cfparam name="TITLE" default="null">
: : > SELECT * FROM bluegrasscalendar WHERE Title LIKE '%#TITLE#%'
: : > </cfquery>
: : >
: : > <html>
: : > <head>
: : > <title>Query Results</title>
: : > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
: : charset=iso-8859-1">
: : > </head>
: : >
: : > <body>
: : > <cfoutput query="rsTitle">
: : >             #rsTitle.Title#<br>
: : > </cfoutput>
: : >
: : > </body>
: : > </html>
: : >
: : >
: :
: :
: :
: :
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