I am having a dilemma and would appreciate some feedback.
I need to purchase a new web server for an existing job... And to repurpose
when the job is over.
I am an Oracle guy, and an apple guy... So now that Oracle 9i is offered and
supported natively on Mac OS X I am very happy.
However, I also have been using CF for so long now for all my applications
it has become a crutch in some ways.
I do all my coding on my PowerBook in DWMX.
I love Apple products and would love to use my mac for everything.
I realize there is a hack to port CF to OSX, however since it can not yet
run on Apache there, and a few other bugs, I am reluctant to purchase the
Xserve for the job as I would like to do (even though I could run a W2K
server in VPC6).

The server will be repurposed as my main webserver/application server after
the initial project and I would buy an Xserve in an instant if I knew there
was a Mac release of CF around the corner.

Perhaps if CFMX did not run the way I needed it to natively (via the hack)
in OSX, I would think it would run ok in VPC6 W2K... With the dual 1ghz g4
processors and 2GB of RAM.

Any thoughts or comments?
-Drew Harris

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