Here's a great date validation script that I use:

It can easily be modified to do validate the date that you want :)

Peter Bagnato

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin S. Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ODBC Date Question
Importance: High

Just using IsDate() does not work very well. IsDate() will accept a lot
of dates that ODBC won't (usually typos such as 3 of 5 digit years). I
would also perform a range check in ColdFusion on any date submitted and
return an appropriate error to the user. To give you an example, for
every form field that accepts a date, I end up with at least 25 lines of
validation code and exception handling.

Benjamin S. Rogers

-----Original Message-----
From: Julia Green [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ODBC Date Question

How do you validate the input dates with isdate()?  Never used it
 Richard Meredith-Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:A few notes:

- is 'File' a reserved word?

- I have to say a a European I HATE date formats like mm/dd/yyyy or
dd/mm/yyyy for the simple reason that there are too many ways to
misunderstand them - when I ask people to put a date in a single field I
ask them to use dd mmm yyyy which is completely unambiguous and is
perfectly understood by createodbcdate() 

- are you sure the actual values of the dates in your new DB are what
you think they are after the transformation? 

- validate the input dates before the query with isdate()

Julia Green wrote:
> This I am sure is a beginning one of you experts can
help me...
> I have a client Gilway lighting, whose form, gilwaydb.cfm submits an
ODBC date
> to an Access table whose dates I converted all to Date/Time(shot over
to SQL Server) in the format mm/dd/yyyy, the table is called tblfile4d
> Now the problem, my client wants me to do a form where you put a
Beginning and Ending Date,
> Beginning Date:


> Ending Date:


Type the dates in the following format: 10/13/2001. Be sure to type a
beginning and ending date.


> and to find the files that go with these dates, but for instance, if I
enter 5/6/01 or
> 5/6/2001
> and 12/6/01, it returns the 02 dates, all between 5/6/2002 and
> So remember tblfile4d has date format for Clock for all the dates now.
> It is called gilsrch.cfm posts to gildate2.cfm with this relevant
> SELECT count(t.File) as file3, t.Clock, g.File, t.File
> FROM tblfile4d t, gilway12 g
> WHERE Clock BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate(Form.Clock1)# AND
> AND t.File=g.File
> GROUP BY g.File, t.File, t.Clock
> SELECT count(File) AS file2
> FROM tblfile4d
> WHERE Clock BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate(Form.Clock1)# AND
> SELECT count(t.File) as file4
> FROM tblfile4d t, gilway12 g
> WHERE Clock BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate(Form.Clock1)# AND
> AND t.File=g.File
> Why is it doing this I can give you the links...
> Can someone help me with this? Why does it return other years? Please
cc me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you can
> Julia Green
> Julia Computer Consulting
> Web Design @ Reasonable Prices
> Phone: 617-926-3413
> Cell: 617-596-6003
> Fax: 1-617-812-8148

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