You can have Access store the username/password in the links.  There is
a checkbox when setting up the links that says store username/password.

If you're not joining on Access tables, you're better off querying the
oracle tables directly, instead of going through an Access link.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 2:24 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: connecting to linked ODBC data...
> hey all...
> i'm currently connecting to an Access .mdb file...which has 
> linked tables in it.  The linked tables are linked to an 
> Oracle database, which requires a username and password.
> the .mdb file itself is not password protected.
> So...if I do not pass username/password attributes in my 
> <cfquery> tag, I can get to the Access tables fine...but not 
> the linked tables.  If I *do* pass username/password 
> attributes in my <cfquery> tag, well...same thing :)
> Apparently, Access doesn't take the username/password and 
> pass it to the Oracle tables when prompted for authentication.
> Any easy solution that I'm overlooking?
> thx,
> Charlie
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