>>If you are on access, the outer join won't work and you have to do a union:

Sorry...that's not true. Access supports outer joins, but the syntax is either RIGHT 

>>Conversely if bugs.bug_type_id = 0 then simply add that statement to the query. .

Azeem, if you're still listening, the above comment and the code at the end of your 
original post to output the data indicates that you are retrieving *all* bug_type_ids, 
whether they are 0 or not. If that is true, you don't need the last six lines of your 
SQL statement since you can control your output based on a CFIF condition, which 
you've done. If you *do* want to filter out all bug_type_ids that are 0, simply add 
"AND bugs.bug_type_id <> '0'" to your subquery (but don't forget to correct the join 
syntax in the subquery).

Since you appear to be joining multiple tables: bugs, bug_type, bug_status, and 
priority using an inner join, please be aware that Access does not support the "WHERE 
PK=FK" inner join syntax (that's fine in SQL Server though). 

Instead you will need to join the tables in the FROM clause. The easiest way to build 
an Access query is to use the Access Query Designer, switching to SQL view to run it 
and see the syntax. When you get the results you expect, just copy/paste into CF.


Regarding your question about why you cannot output the bug_type, it may be that CF is 
seeing the datatype as numeric. Therefore, try eliminating the quotes around 0. 

As an aside, it is unnecessary to wrap your variables with pound signs in the CFIF 
tag. And, logically, you should change <cfelseif #bug_type_id# eq "0"> to <CFELSE>.


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