Your "session killing" tags are deleting all session variables, and it looks
like your application depends on session.sessionid existing all the time.
Most likely, you will want to redirect the user to a login screen if
session.sessionid doesn't exist.  In that case, before the erroring code
below, you'll want to say something like:

<cfif not isdefined('session.sessionid')>
   <cflocation url="loginscreen.cfm">


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
cell:  678-637-5072
aim:   cameroncf

> -----Original Message-----
> From: megan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 4:09 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: killing session -- different problem
> Hi,
> I looked thru the archives for problems with killing a
> session. I only
> found references to problems when closing the browser. I have
> a different
> problem. I kill the session by putting these three tags in the
> application.cfm file: <cfset structclear(application)><cfset
> structclear(session)><cfabort>. A call to any file in the directory
> displays the expected blank screen, so I assume the session has been
> killed. But when I remove structclear the tags (restore the
> application)
> and hit refresh, instead of my application springing back to
> life I get the
> error below. If I wait the duration of the session timeout,
> my application
> comes back. I'd rather have it come back immediately. Am I
> doing something
> really obviously wrong? Doesn't a new sessionID get created
> after the abort
> by the cfapplication tag?
> An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
> "#session.sessionID#"
> Error near line 7, column 50.
> Error resolving parameter SESSION.SESSIONID
> The session variable SESSIONID does not exist. The cause of
> this error is
> very likely one of the following things:
> The name of the session variable has been misspelled.
> The session variable has not yet been created.
> The session variable has timed out.
> The error occurred while processing an element with a general
> identifier of
> (CFLOCK), occupying document position (7:1) to (7:86).
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