As requested.

Here is the list of tips and tricks for optimizing NT server 4.0 IIS 4 and
CF 4.0.  This is by no means a full list.  Some tips range from obvious
to... "how did you ever find that?".

If anyone would like to compile and post this list and or my soon to be
posted Windows 2000 tips and tricks to a webpage please do so.  I give this
info as freely as I have received it.

If you have tips for NT server 4.0 IIS 4 and CF 4.0 OR Win 2000 you may
contact me off list @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark W. Breneman
-Sr. Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

<cf Disclaimer>
I offer this to anyone who wishes to use it. I will assume no responsibility
for damage to anything if you choose to use this information.  (including
your cat, car or house)   BTW everything worked fine for me.
</cf Disclaimer>

--Keep in mind this info was compiled in late November of  99. Some info may
be outdated.--

Windows NT 4.0

               General OS Settings

                 1.For Windows NT 4.0 servers, set Windows NT Server to
Application Server:

                         On the desktop, right-click Network Neighborhood
and select Properties. On the
                         Services tab, double-click the Server service.
Select Network Applications. The
                         Application Server setting also instructs Windows
NT to trim the file cache more

                 2.Ensure all unused IIS file mappings are removed:

                         Using the Microsoft Management Console, navigate to
the Web sites (virtual
                         servers) under the IIS snap-in. Right-click Default
Web Site, and/or any other
                         Web site(s) where your content exists and select
properties. Select the Home
                         Directory property sheet. Click the Configuration
button under the Application
                         Settings section. Remove all unused mappings,
leaving at least one mapping in
                         place (the server requires at least one mapping).
Leave the ".CFM" extension in
                         place if no other mappings are being used.

                 3.Disable performance boost for foreground applications:

                         Open the Control Panel. Double-click the System
icon, and select the Performance
                         property sheet. Move the Application Performance
slider to None.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters, set the following
                    DWORD values (add if not already there):

                              DWORD MaxUserPort and set to 0xfffe
                              DWORD TcpWindowSize and set to 65535
                              DWORD MaxFreeTcbs and set to 72000
                              DWORD MaxHashTableSize and set to 65536
                              DWORD TcpTimedWaitDelay and set to 60

                 5.Set receive buffers for the Network Interface Card (NIC)
to maximum:

                         Dropped packets on the receiving end cause TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol)
                         to retransmit. This minimizes the number of dropped
packets on the receiving end,
                         thus increasing performance. See the documentation
for your NIC for details. This
                         parameter can often be set using the properties of
the NIC under the Network
                         Control Panel. It also couldn't hurt to set the NIC
speed to 100 MBit (default is
                         usually "auto").

                 6.Disable any services not absolutely required for machine
operation (i.e. SMTP, FTP,
                    MSDTC, Browser services, Spooler, etc.)

                 7.Remove the Page Files, defragment the drives and recreate
the Page Files to ensure
                    contiguous disk space is used for virtual memory.

                 8.For multiple NIC machines, used the Microsoft Affinity
tool to bind one NIC to each

                 9.If using 1GB of RAM, set maxmem=1024 in boot.ini

               Microsoft Internet Information Server Settings

                 1.Minimize IIS logging and/or use striped partition:

                         It is desirable to log only data required for
weblog trend analysis. Logging to a
                         striped partition with a controller that allows
write-back caching, especially if you
                         see heavy use on the log disk can also be

                         Using the Microsoft Management Console, navigate to
the Web sites (virtual
                         servers) under the IIS snap-in. Right-click Default
Web Site, and/or any other
                         Web site(s) where your content exists and select
Properties. Select the Web Site
                         property sheet. Click the Properties button under
the logging section. The path
                         should be mapped to a striped partition.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters, set the
                    values (add if not already there):

                              DWORD ListenBackLog set to 250
                              DWORD AcceptExOutstanding set to 64
                              DWORD MinFileKBSec set to 100
                              DWORD MaxPoolThreads set to 30
                              DWORD ObjectCacheTTL set to 0xFFFFFFFF
                              DWORD OpenFileInCache set to 0x5000
                              DWORD MemoryCacheSize set to 4194304

                 3.For IIS 4.0, set ServerListenBacklog:

                         This property specifies the number of outstanding
sockets that can be queued. The
                         value is based on the AcceptEx operating system
parameter and the server size
                         specified in the ServerSize property. To set, run
the following command:

                         SET w3svc/ServerListenBacklog 1000

                 4.Consider increasing IIS 4.0 LogFileBatchSize to cut down
on disk I/O. To set:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters, set the
                         following value (add if not already there):

                         DWORD LogFileBatchSize set to 0x00040000

                         This specifies the batch size for writing log
files. The server caches the last
                         LogFileBatchSize bytes of data in memory buffers
before it dumps the current
                         buffer and moves onto the next buffer. Such batch
processing reduces the amount
                         of disk traffic created by log files. However, if a
site is interested in getting the
                         current-up-to-date log records flushed to disk, the
batch size can be reduced. The
                         value range for this setting is 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF, and
the default is 64*1024
                         (64KB) or 0x00010000. Consider increasing this
value to 256*1024 (256KB) or

                 5.In IIS Manager:

                              Set IIS Performance set to handle over 100,000
hits per day
                              Removed all IIS mappings except .CFM
                              Set Logging - "Next Log Time Period" = "When
file size reaches 100 MB"
                              Remove all unnecessary ISAPI filters

Full info can be found at:


NT4.0 Server Settings and tips

                    Set the paging file size to 2X physical memory (but no
larger than 512 MB).
                    Configure it so that both the initial and maximum values
are set to this figure.
                    Split the paging file across multiple physical disks, if
                    Configure the Server service (via Network CP - Services
tab) to be
                    optimized for the machine's intended role. For CF, we
suggest 'Maximize
                    Throughput for Networked Applications'.
                    Set the foreground application boost to 'none' (via
System CP -Performance
                    Only use low end screen savers. I prefer the 'Default
Logon' saver, although
                    Marquee isn't too bad if set to the slowest speed.
OpenGL screen savers
                    should be avoided as they are very CPU-intensive. This
one can sneak up
                    on you and slow down your server.
                    Run minimum of services on a server. Disable any
unneeded component
                    (like the Gopher daemon).
                    Take care to never leave an instance of the EDIT utility
running in a
                    Command Prompt. If you accidentally hit the Alt button,
it will max the CPU
                    while polling for user input.

Full info can be found at:


Here is Microsofts tips for tuneing:

This section was sent to me by an unnamed CF ?programmer? from Connections
LC Cold Fusion Development Groupe that asked his head NT system admin. -Rick
I see how he got his job...  Some of the best tips I have found.

Straight from head NT system admin. He said he had at least 50
Turn Off 8 and 3 File naming if running on an NTSF Partition.
This Includes Both NT Server and Workstation
Can be done in the system policy editor or by editing the registry (how do
those  people know such things??)
hkey local machine
current control set
value 1  (0 allows creation)
He also mumbled in passing that this is good if you are not running ANY 16
bit apps on that server. But who used 16 bit Apps anyway.?
NEVER run IIS or Cold Fusion on domain controller be it A (PDC) primary
domain controller
or a BDC (back up domain controller) contrary to popular IIS will run on a
stand alone server.
Disable or set to manual Computer Browser in the Control Panel under
Good for Workstation and Server
Stops the machine from broadcasting or strobing the network with or for
only machine that really need it is the PDC and or PDC
In IIS do not great any virtual directories that are really not needed
again contrary to popular belief a virtual directory name is not need for
each child directory under the root. For instance create the virtual
directory called SAMPLES then accessing it by  is the same as just having a directory under the
root called samples and accessing it the same way. With minimum virtual
directory IIS has less overhead to carry.
5) ***********************
Never use ODBC to connect to an SQL server if OLEDB can be used
Create Minimum number of ODBC connections
Remove all samples and directories and ODBC connections that install by
default with IIS and CF Server
                                                -Rick Connections LC Cold
Fusion Development

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