I have used them before, to track the users, you pretty much refrence
the image, and when reading your logfile you can single that one out and
count your hits. I have also done things such as refrence an image that
did not exist, with a 1x1 h and w attrib, and added the page dynamically
to the end, and was able to watch the pages. Such as IMG
SRC="nothing.gif?index.cfm" or whatever. I have not done that in a
while, though, but is helpful sometimes, especially if you want to track
other websites that are not on your server. We have also set up a
monitoring application before, where the website took .jpg images and
processed them through the CF engine, so the actual jpg files were plain
CFM text. We did it this way so that when we did have a subscription
list, we could see who opened their emails, since we could refrence the
image like IMG SRC="yadda.jpg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]", which we put at the
bottom of all our emails that we had on our list. We did this because
most of the email clients out their would not accept an image src of
anything that ended in CFM or ASP, etc..., so this was our work around.
You could set cookies this way as well, since there is a header passed.
You can use a regular page and make the image source a CFM page, just
not in emails because of how the clients handle them. I think this was a
little long winded, so sorry and probably just made a mess of my answer.

Robert Bailey
"Famous for nothing!"

-----Original Message-----
From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 9:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: web beacons

Yahoo is using something called web beacons. Can anyone simply explain
how a single pixel gif is used as a web beacon.



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