You don't want to use a where clause in an insert statement, if you are
updating data, you want to use a update statement.


Lisa Greenberg wrote:
> I am trying to insert data into a table and get the
> following errors.  I provided the semicolon, yet I still get
> the errors.  What am I doing wrong?
> TIA,
> Lisa
> ODBC Error Code 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
> [ODBC Mircosoft Access Driver] Missing semicolon (;) at end
> of SQL statement.
> <cfquery  name="ptobs" datasource="#dsn#" dbtype="odbc">
>       insert into ptobs
>    (pi,patno,PSL_ID,currPI,PIreason,pires_ot,dttype,results,
> modHAART, intHAART, intreason, fatmaldis, hypergly, gly_pre,
>     hyperlip, lip_pre, lla_yn, ll_agent, lla_dose,
> anti_dyn,anti_d, antid_ot, antid_ds)
>     values ( '#ptdat.pi#','#variables.patno#',
>        #session.PSL_ID#, '#currPI#',
>         '#attributes.PIreason#',
>         '#attributes.pires_ot#',
>      #CreateODBCDateTime(variables.dttype)#,
>         '#attributes.results#',
>      '#attributes.modHAART#',
>      '#attributes.intHAART#',
>       '#attributes.intreason#',
>      '#attributes.fatmaldis#',
>      '#attributes.hypergly#',
>      '#attributes.gly_pre#',
>      '#attributes.hyperlip#',
>       '#attributes.lip_pre#',
>       '#attributes.lla_yn#',
>       '#attributes.ll_agent#',
>       '#attributes.lla_dose#',
>      '#attributes.anti_dyn#',
>      '#attributes.anti_d#',
>      '#attributes.antid_ot#',
>      '#attributes.antid_ds#' )
>      where   demog.PSL_ID=#session.PSL_ID#
>       ;
> </cfquery>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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