To check if anything was returned check [query name].RecordCount.  If it's 
more than zero, something was returned.

You usually don't need to loop through and create an array.  In CF it is 
already an array internally (exact structure depends on version of CF).

At 03:56 PM 1/13/2003, you wrote:
>When I used to work with ASP, I would run my SQL statement, check to see
>if the recordset is empty or not, if it wasn't, I'd roll it up into an
>array, and the loop through the array.
>I know how to do the SQL statement, and how to loop through it, but how
>would I check to see if the result of the query contained results or
>not, and how would I put the results in an array, and then how would I
>loop through that array?
>I'm sorry for asking so many questions...I'm in a new job which is also
>a new developing environment...and I have very little time to learn all
>Any & all help is greatly appreciated, as I know everyone in here is
>strapped for time as well.

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