> OK, I've not used XML much, and in revamping our basic CF template, I'm
> wondering about storing application variables in an XML file, as per Ben's
> design pattern:
> http://www.benorama.com/coldfusion/patterns/part6.htm

Great article.

> What are the advantages of this? I accept the theoretical principle of
> separating parameters from the application code so the
> application itself is
> totally portable. But in practice, when I do move an application around,
> what's the difference between me opening an XML file and changing
> stuff, and
> me opening a CFM file and changing stuff?

Got to look at the bigger picture. If you are using cf only and forever then
a cfm settings file is fine. In fact its probably faster. But what if you
start to move to java ? Or you want to create a VB app as a config

That's the real advantage of XML.

As for speed, once you parse the XML you can stick the DOM into application
scope. No need to read it ever time.


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