Hi Jochem,

jotn> What charset is this data using?

ach - just whatever the default is for cf 4.0 /4.5 (UTF-8?)  There
were no processing directives or locale settings in the app at all.
It's been running on a windows machine (NT) up to now.

jotn> If the data in Access is visible correctly when using Access it self it is not a
jotn> normal unicode issue.

that's what I figured - I can view the data in access, and cf 4.5 /
5.0 seems to pull it out of access fine (I haven't had the chance to
try it on windows with cfmx yet).  And over the weekend I tried
postgres Manager which pulled the data out fine as well (from the
postgres DB on the linux machine).

jotn> Which CF version did you use to move the data? Which client_encoding did you set
jotn> in PostgreSQL during the migration? Did you set up the PostgreSQL database to
jotn> use unicode (WITH ENCODING 'UNICODE')? Can't you use the pgAdmin database
jotn> migration wizard to move the data from Access to PostreSQL and then use built-in
jotn> functionality to transform the data?

initially I used cf 5 on windows to move the data to the postgres db
on the linux machine.  The linux box is running cfmx, and that's where
I'm seeing the dodgy characters.  On the weekend I tried doing the
same transfer with cfmx on windows instead of cf5 and strangely enough
it didn't fix it completely but it did end up with LESS dodgy
characters in the display on the linux machine.

I initially hadn't done anything special with character encoding for
postgreSQL, but in the above test I recreated the postgreSQL database
using WITH ENCODING = 'UNICODE' and nothing changed.

I haven't tried the pgAdmin migration wizard actually, last time I
used pgAdmin I don't think it had the migration wizard.  I've been
using a script as I also needed to transform a lot of the data to new
table stuctures (the old one is a complete mess).  I'll try with
pgAdmin and see how I go.

Thanks for the tips Jochem, I'll test your advice and post back.


jotn> Jochem
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