>hi there.
>If I wanted to remove the value of a client variable I have set for a
>particular user, lets just say, emailAddress, and they check a checkbox
>that says, Forget my email address, would the best way to do that, be
>to have this code...
><cfset client.EmailAddress = "">
>to just zero the value out?

Not entirely sure what you're trying to do, but why not use 
DeleteClientVariable("EmailAddress") to delete that particular client 
variable? This has the added benefit (albeit minimal) of one less client 
variable CF needs to return with every page request. Then just do an 
IsDefined("client.EmailAddress") to check for that particular client 
variable when you need to.

Alternatively, you can indeed just do <cfset client.EmailAddress = ""> in 
your code to "null" out the value for that client variable, and then just do 
a <cfif Len(client.EmailAddress)> to check for a value.

>brain fartage on a stinkin cold rainy Wednesday!!!!!!!!

Hey, it could be worse. It's snowing here!! (New York City)


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