Mike, I was refering to the email address that you specified in the FROM
parameter of CFMAIL, not the ones you are sending to.  While this probably
isn't the reason, it's worth checking none the less, it's tripped me up in
the past.

When I was looking for an email server program to run here, I discovered a
document that showed the rejection rates of emails, and I understand that
just about all email servers with the exception of one, Merak Mail, had
problems when several hundred messages were dumped to it at once.. so I
would agree with the other comments that it's probably overload related.

Just a suggestion, but do you run the email server there?  Does it handle
mailing lists?  If it's anything like Merak, it contains a text file with a
list of email addresses that have subscribed.. What you could do is let CF
create a text file of all the email addresses you want to send the
newsletter to, save that text file to the relevant place, and then send a
single email to the mailing list address.  I know this would work ok with
Merak, but it really depends on your email server.  Just a thought anyhow!

(oops.. while I name dropped Merak a few times, I by no means have any
relationship with them other than as a client.  The program, in my own
opinion is great, and the support excellent.  I haven't experienced any
problems with it at all)

> From: Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 17:56:08 +1000 (EST)
> Subject: Re: <CFMAIL>Hundreds of messages left undelivered ... why?
> In this case, the vast majority of the email addresses would have been
> valid, since it's a mailing list that's used quite regularly.  So the
> reason for rejection must be other than invalid domains, invalid addresses
> etc.
> It could possibly be errors caused by the SMTP server being too busy -
> we're talking about early evening - our peak time of day, and the CF
> server suddenly dumping a huge number of emails into the queue.
> Cheers,
> Mike Kear
> AFP Web Development
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Nick Slay wrote:
>> I'm not sure how many reasons there are for rejecting messages, in my
>> experience, I know that specifying a sender address that is different to the
>> email server wil cause an undeliverable message where relaying is not
>> allowed, ie, sending a message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the email
>> server is set up for domain webbods.com.au will not work because my email
>> server is set up to not relay messages.
>> As for the email server not being available, I'm not entirely sure how CF
>> would handle that, i.e whether it stays in the spool folder, or whether it
>> get's moved to the undeliv folder.
>>> From: "Jim McAtee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 01:25:43 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: <CFMAIL>Hundreds of messages left undelivered ... why?
>>> I'm not sure I undestand this.  Doesn't CF merely pass off the messages to
>>> the SMTP server for relaying?  Same as if they had come from an email
>>> client such as Outlook Express?  Is it the mass-assault on the SMTP server
>>> that causes messages to be immediately sent to the undeliv folder?  In my
>>> experience the immediate return to the sender would only be caused by
>>> things like a domain that can't be resolved, or else the domain has no
>>> mail exchanger in DNS, or else the destination mail server rejects the
>>> imcoming message for some reason, like the email address is invalid, the
>>> mailbox has exceeded its size quota, or the sender domain or IP address
>>> has been rejected.  In most other cases, the outgoing SMTP server will
>>> hold the message and attempt to send it for (usually) several days.  Are
>>> there other reasons why CF, as a sending client would see more rejections
>>> than another client?  If the 'undeliver' messages are placed there for a
>>> good reason, then it wouldn't make much sense trying to send them again.
>>> Jim
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Nick Slay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 11:54 PM
>>> Subject: Re: <CFMAIL>Hundreds of messages left undelivered ... why?
>>>> As far as I understand Mike, the steps you mention are correct.  I have
>>> seen
>>>> things sitting in the undeliv folder, and they have never been sent.. so
>>> I'm
>>>> fairly certain that you're 40,000+ messages would never have been sent.
>>>> If you want to actually send them, you can copy them back to the Spool
>>>> folder, however this poses the question as to why they weren't sent,
>>> which I
>>>> guess you've figured...  If it was that the mail server was unavailable
>>> at
>>>> the time, then they should be delivered if you drop them into the spool
>>>> folder.. but if it's a relaying error, ie, the domain of the senders
>>> address
>>>> does not equal that of the email server, then they would never be
>>> delivered.
>>>> Hope that helps a little
>>>> Nick
>>>>> From: Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:01:43 +1000 (EST)
>>>>> Subject: <CFMAIL>Hundreds of messages left undelivered ... why?
>>>>> Yesterday, I did a dumb thing and got into a nasty pickle with my email
>>>>> newsletter.  I'm really grateful to Nick Slay for coming rapidly to my
>>>>> rescue with the solution.
>>>>> Now I find there's another potential problem ..... there were 40,920
>>>>> undelivered messages left on my server after I rebooted it, all with a
>>>>> file name like CFMnnnn.TMP.  As it happens, this was a blessing in this
>>>>> case, or else there would have been 40,920 messages incorrectly
>>> delivered
>>>>> to my users.  And they'd have been even more irate than they were.
>>>>> But what about all those undelivered messages?
>>>>> Would they have ever been sent?  If I had wanted them to be sent, how
>>>>> would I do that?
>>>>> Is this folder C:\CFUSION\MAIL\UNDELIVR  (Assuming a default
>>> installation)
>>>>> a holding pen for messages that are to be delivered?  If not, what
>>> exactly
>>>>> is the process?
>>>>> Here's how I am guessing it works .. can someone confirm this please?
>>>>> (1) The CF server performs the query and other processing to compile
>>> each
>>>>> email.
>>>>> (2)  Each email is in a file of its own called CFMnnnn.TMP and is
>>> dropped
>>>>> (3) The SMTP server looks there regularly and takes any files and
>>>>> sends them.
>>>>> (4) If there is an error, the SMTP server writes a record to
>>>>> C:\CFUSION\MAIL\LOGS\ERRORS.LOG  then moves the error email to
>>>>> (5) Once a message gets to C:\CFUSION\MAIL\UNDELIVR it sits there until
>>>>> manual intervention fixes it.
>>>>> Is this right?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Mike Kear
>>>>> AFP Web Development
>>>>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
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