Hi all, were having a small issue in attempting to create CFMX datasources
programatically.  Has anyone managed to do this? Were running Win2k Adv
Server on MX with Updater 2 applied.

Using the following code where.....

         * sample_ds is the database used to clone a new database
         * #cf_ds_name# is the name of the new cf database
         * #odbc_ds_name# is name of the ODBC DSN, which references an 
Excel spreadsheet


         * Datasource appears in Cold Fusion administrator
         * The correct ODBC DSN is shown
         * All variables are correct

But ....

         * Datasource does not verify, you get this beauty..

Connection verification failed for data source: xl_ds_2119962272
[]java.sql.SQLException: SQLException occurred in JDBCPool while attempting 
to connect, please check your username, password, URL, and other 
connectivity info.
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: SQLException occurred in 
JDBCPool while attempting to connect, please check your username, password, 
URL, and other connectivity info.


         * When you change the name of the datasource, and Submit, it is 
verified correctly (presumably having forced some code to execute)
         * Still works when you then change the datasource name back to the 
         * <dump>ing the datasource structure before and after gives an 
identical result


         * Is there some additional code required to boot the datasource ?


<!--- Create Cold Fusion Datasource --->
<cflock name="serviceFactory" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
                 // Get a handle on datasources structure
                 objFactory = CreateObject("java", 
                 objService = objFactory.getDataSourceService();
                 dsources = objService.getDatasources();

                 // Get a copy of the generic ds, configure, add to
                 local_ds = Duplicate(dsources['sample_ds']);
                 local_ds.name = "#cf_ds_name#";
                 local_ds.url = Replace(ds_copy.url,"sample_ds",cf_ds_name);
                 local_ds.urlmap.datasource = "#odbc_ds_name#";
                 local_ds.urlmap.connectionprops.datasource =
                 local_ds.valid = "YES";

                 dsources["#cf_ds_name#"] = Duplicate(local_ds);



Any advice on how to procede further would be cool :)


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