Ok, so in your example, Invoice "has-a" Ordering Person, how do I set

Invoice.OrderingPerson.setFirst("Sean"); ?????

Will this automatically go to Person.cfc and execute setFirst method?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 12:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFC Question

On Thursday, Jan 30, 2003, at 21:58 US/Pacific, Andy Ousterhout wrote:
> OK, I am hooked after only a few hours on CFC's.  This is so much
> easier to
> code that what I was trying to do with modules & includes in 5.0....


> For the sake of discussion, lets also say I have another component
> called
> Invoice that needs two Person objects, one for Ordering Person and
> another
> for Ship To person.  I can't just use extends because that creates a
> single
> person instance.   How do I code this?

"extends" represents an "is-a" relationship:

        car "is-a" vehicle


        <!--- car.cfc --->
        <cfcomponent extends="vehicle">

is a reasonable model.

"has-a" is modeled by 'containment' - having data members:

        Invoice "has-a" Ordering Person
        Invoice "has-a" ShipTo Person


        <!--- invoice.cfc --->
                <cffunction name="create">
                        <cfargument name="shipto" type="person">
                        <cfargument name="orderer" type="person">
                        <cfset this.shipto = arguments.shipto>
                        <cfset this.orderer = arguments.orderer>

Hope that helps?

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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