UDF = User Defined Functions

<cffunction name=""> or <cfscript> function ...

Check out cflib.org for examples (lots)

Returns the string with the first character of each word capitalized.

Nice one RayC.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rahmin Pavlovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 31 January 2003 17:00
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CF: OOP, Custom Tags..
> Ok - so I have several standards I use that I'd like to abstract
> into a more
> global format. Like, to always capitalize the first letter of a
> string I use
> this method frequently:
> #UCase(Left(LCase(str), 1))##Mid(LCase(str), 2, Len(LCase(str)))#
> I do LCase() the string before capitalizing the first letter, but
> this is an
> example of something I'd like to have automated, or in some global form.
> So my first question is: can I create my own methods in CF?
> If so that'd be hot lunch on a hot plate. In this example, I'd extend my
> string object to include my own Capitalize() method, and all'd be toasty.
> In JS this'd be something along the lines of
> String.prototype.capitalize=function() {
>     return this.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() +
> this.substring(1,this.length).toLowerCase();
> }
> Does any know if there is an OO equivalent in CF?
> So my second question is: would something like this be better accomplished
> as a custom tag, and if so, is there a way to include a global library of
> stuff like this? Like, if I wanted to have my custom tag available in all
> sub-directories, can I point all templates to say: /cflib/Capitalize.cfm ?
> That'd be cool cause then I could just say something like
> <CF_Capitalize STRING="raHMIn">
> or better yet
> <CF_Capitalize STRING="#str#">
> I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the scope of this project
> and part of
> that is abstracting functionality like this.
> TIA for and and all tips n tricks.
> R
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