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-From the desk of Joshua O'Connor-Rose
(aka Whifflebat)
-All is Good

>Subject: Re: Problems com class word.application
>Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 15:21:13 -0500
>I am facing a similar problem, I think, in that I can't figure out what to
>use for the "class" attribute.
>In ASP I would just use the CLSID, but OLEView doesn't give anything for
>class name for the COM (ocx) that I'm trying to use.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joshua O'Connor-Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Trying out a couple of Word2HTML tools
> > They finaly get a copy of Word2000 installed and I set up.
> > Word2HTML on the server (author Randy Mayes)
> >
> > This gives me:
> > The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
> > (CFX_WORD2HTML), occupying document position (115:3) to (121:19) in the
> > template file D:\applications\CFusion\CustomTags\Word2HTML.cfm.
> >
> > (That would be in the custom tag itself)
> >
> > So I figure I'll debug the thing by creating objects myself.
> > Using word2HTML.cfm
> > (authors Greg Saunders, David Shadovitz, Robert Everland III)
> >
> > <cfobject type="COM" name="WordApp" class="Word.Application"
> > action="CREATE">
> >
> > But something's screwy
> >
> > Here's the first error:
> > Content: Error trying to create object specified in the tag. COM error
> > 0x80070005. Access is denied.
> >
> > Maybe I should add server so here's the next error:
> > Error trying to create object specified in the tag. COM error 
> > Class not registered
> >
> > Then I go in to the oleviewer and find the class of the object and try 
> > create it using
> >     <CFOBJECT
> >     CLASS={000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
> >     NAME="WordApp"
> >     TYPE="COM"
> >     CONTEXT="Remote"
> >     SERVER="(serverIP)">
> > Content: Error trying to create object specified in the tag. COM error
> > 0x80070005. Access is denied.
> >
> > or if I add the computer name using //servername
> > Content: Error trying to create object specified in the tag. COM error
> > 0x800706BA. The RPC server is unavailable. Depending on how I write the
> > server name
> > (but I think I put the servername wrong that's all)
> >
> > I think it's the service permissions but then I check and CF logs in as 
> > administrator.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
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