The items in red is where your problem lies!
a simple sql statement via the url could delete all data from your db.
Have a look at your webserver log file, do a search for DELETE, if its anywhere in the 
log file then see if its a SQL statement, if so, thats the hacker, trace its IP 

To solve your probs in the future use #val(yourVariable)# for any integer used in your 
SQL clause, i.e. ## without the single quotes around it...

Taco Fleur

PS. there are many sites out there that do not know about this, I used to work for a 
company called RP Data who I told about this problem, but they don't care (or did not 
believe me). You can completely take over servers with this hole... is another one with the hole, I also told them but they don't 
care! Funny, people are playing with other peoples personal information and they just 
don't care....

> Hi all,
> I ran into a big problem this morning when I found out that all the data
> from my table were somehow deleted.  I wanted to make sure that it wasn't my
> code so I did an extended search for "delete from tablename" and "delete
> tablename" in my code and I'm positive that there is only one instance that
> I do a delete from this table.  I had this happen a long while ago to the
> same exact table.  Here is my delete page, any ideas on how this could've
> happened would be greatly appreciated.
> <CFQUERY NAME="getTenantCoding" DATASOURCE="#rentDSN#">
> FROM CodeOfUnits
> WHERE CItem=#CItem# AND UnitNo='#UnitNo#'
> <CFIF getTenantCoding.recordCount GT "1">
> <CFQUERY NAME="deleteTenatCoding" DATASOURCE="#rentDSN#">
> DELETE CodeOfUnits
> WHERE UnitNo='#UnitNo#' AND CItem=#CItem#
> <CFSET notice="Tenant info has successfully been deleted!">
> <CFQUERY NAME="deleteTenatCoding" DATASOURCE="#rentDSN#">
> DELETE CodeOfUnits
> WHERE UnitNo='#UnitNo#' AND CItem=#CItem#
> <CFQUERY NAME="deleteTenant" DATASOURCE="#rentDSN#">
> DELETE Tenant
> WHERE CImproveNo=#caseNo# AND UnitNo='#UnitNo#'
> <CFSET notice="Tenant info has successfully been deleted!">
> </CFIF>
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