When the below line is run from a command prompt, it works flawlessly.

c:\pgpnt\pgp.exe -e -a c:\pgpnt\scratch\myfile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED] -o

When I run the following, it does create a text file.

<cfexecute name="c:\pgpnt\pgp.exe"
arguments="-e -a c:\pgpnt\scratch\myfile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
outputfile="c:\pgpnt\history\myfile.asc" timeout="0" />   

But, when you open the file in a text editor there is no encrypted data and you
see the following error:

Cannot find the public key matching userid '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

This leads me to believe that ColdFusion is doing something funky with pathing
behind the scenes.  Am I to assume that when CF runs cfexecute that it is not
effectively "the command prompt"?


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