
NT4 sp6 / IIS4

Since I first posted, I have discovered that the behavior is only happening
with IE 5.5. The characters represent quotes  and apostophes from MS Word.

“ = MS Word Left Quote
” = MS Word Right Quote
’ = MS Word Apostophe

Still stumped on this... possible IE 5.5 bug? Where on MSDN would one go to
find out?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dwayne Cole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Unknown character codes appearing in DB

> What version of ColdFusion are you using?
> >A small utility on our intranet contains a simple form with a single
textarea sending to an Access DB. Users typically copy and paste text from
MS Word documents into this textarea. From time to time the following
character codes show up in the database.
> >
> >'
> >"
> >.
> >
> >What are these and how can we prevent this from occurring?
> >

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