ummm? I am, .. xmlsearch and xmlparse is being used in the cfscript block, 
and the issue is still ongoing..
Thanks though,

Subject: xml woes
From: "Peter Bagnato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:42:47 -0500

Have you tried using any of the new XML tags in CFMX yet?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robby L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: xml woes
Importance: High

I'm writing in hopes to see what I'm doing wrong when trying to manipulate
an xml doc.
The problems comes with deleting, and I'm running in loads of problems.

an example of the xml doc :
<drop name="abba">
<drop name="1221">
<!--- reading page --->
<cffile action="read" file="C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\Mathmotors\drop.xml"
drop = xmlparse(xmlmy);//xml thats parsed.
dropx = drop.xmlroot;// The xml root.
c_dropx = dropx.xmlchildren;// Gets the array for all of the drop down
count_c_dropx = arraylen(c_dropx);// Gets the count of
arrays,(dropdowns.drop) Needed for a loop.
hmm ="abba";// fake variable
tt  = xmlsearch(dropx,"/dropdowns/drop[@name='#hmm#']/drop_item/");
/* The Search (returns an array, which will give me the info for the
toto = arraylen(tt);
<!--- One way I've tried  --->
<!---  Loop through the "drop" elements--->
                <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(c_dropx)#" index="i">

<!---  Set the dropchildren to a variable to be able to loop over--->
                                        yes = dropx.drop[i].xmlchildren;
<!---  Where the drop name's attribute equals "abba" then I can edit down
the tree --->
                        <cfif dropx.drop[i].xmlattributes["name"] is "abba">
<!---  Loop over the yes value, which would be the same as looping over the
<drop_item> elements --->
                                  <cfloop  from="1" to="#arraylen(yes)#"
<!---  Set the dropchildren to a variable to be able to loop over--->
                                        yes = dropx.drop[i].xmlchildren;
<!--- WHere the <dropelement>'s text equals "a" delete that element @ it's
index --->
                                                <cfif yes[j].xmltext is "a">
                                 <cfdump var="#j#">
                            <!--- Dumps ok, .. returns the postition of
                                 <cfdump var="#yes#">
                               <!--- Dumps ok, .. returns the array needed


arraydeleteat(yes, j);/*when this is in, returns the
error, without it everything runs fine*/

        I've also tried ...: With using the xpath syntax (set in the upper

        <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(tt)#" index="i">
                <cfif #tt[i].xmltext# is "a">

                                arraydeleteat(tt, i);/*when this is in,
returns the error, without it
everything runs fine*/
Both of which bail.. the first one bails without an actual error, . just the
araydeleteat() being the line it error'd at. But when I looked in to the
logs, It says java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException and searching google only
two results,
. both of which have no bearing on the situation at hand.

The element at position 5 of dimension 1, of array variable "TT," cannot be
found is
the one on the second try,  and with it, the array itself is cfdumped, and
there is 5 elements in the array ,I've read the docs
I've double checked what I know how. What the hell am I doing wrong? Thanks
for your help Robby ps I do have updater 2 installed if it has any bearing

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