--> <cfheader : Generates custom HTTP response headers to return to the

sets header in the response

---> getHTTPRequestData():
---> Makes HTTP request headers and body available to CFML pages. Useful for
capturing SOAP ---> request data, which can be delivered in an HTTP header.

gets header in the request


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 February 2003 16:27
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Set HTTP Headers

I am working on a project where I need to create a new HTTP Header variable.
I thought this was what the cfheader tag was for, but I am not being able to
make it work.  What am I missing here?

<cfheader name="testVar" value="testVarValue">

When I do ....

<cfset x = getHTTPRequestData()>
<cfdump var="#x#">

... I do not see the testVar header.

-- Jeff

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