this tool may help.

-- Sam

-----Original Message-----
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 1:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: link checking tool

I just had the great fortune of inheriting a gargantuan app that is
completely devoid of documentation (not even code-level docs).  The plan is
to partially gut it and modularize the functionality so that it can work
better in a multi-developer environment.  That's obviously going to mean a
lot of 'move this file here', 'delete this file', 'rename this file' and

I'm looking for a tool that'll parse the code base and create two lists of
files: missing, and extra, so that I can easily find what I can delete, and
what I need to create/migrate/convert.  I wrote a very simplistic tool, but
it doesn't handle circular dependancies for finding extra files, among other
things, and I was wondering if there were any such tool available
(preferably free) that might save me a lot of trouble.  I've be perfectly
happy with just handling A HREF="", FORM ACTION="", CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=""
and CFMODULE TEMPLATE="" calls (no IMG, LINK, STYLE, etc), without any
support for dynamic references (A HREF="#self#..."), as long as it took care
of circular dependancies.

By circular dependancies I mean two files that link to eachother (like an
view/action pair), but don't link to any other files.  They are clearly
extra because they don't relate to the rest of the app, but because they
have a dependancy (on eachother) my little app won't mark them as extra.

Doesn't have to be CF specific; I've got no problems investing some time to
retool a program that's designed for another arena, since it's going to be
faster than writing something from scratch.


Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
AudienceCentral (formerly PIER System, Inc.)
voice : 360.671.8708 x12
fax   : 360.647.5351
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