Man i couldn't possibly imagine that migrating my websites to cfmx would require those 
minor changes. This is about the 10 th time i need help =/

The problem is now with cfform. I'm running cfmx on j2ee and win2k. I've mapped my 
cfmx context root to "/", so i can acess my pages as 

if i try to acess cfadmin with this url: 
http://localhost/cfide/administrator/index.cfm (note the cfide case), i got the 
cfadmin page but the images and styles it uses are not loaded. Well, if i try to acess 
http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm (note the case again), i got a 404 
error from JRUN server. 

Well with that super wierd thing in mind, my problem with CFFORM is that CFMX puts 
this code when it detects a CFFORM tag: 

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" 

I have tried to copy the CFIDE/scripts folder to my IIS. Another wierd thing happend. 
When i try http://locahost/CFIDE (iis has directory browse enable), i got a 404 error 
from JRUN, but when i try http://localhost/cfide i can see the files. The 
super-mega-ultra wierd thing is that the directory copied to IIS is named as CFIDE 
(note the case). 

Well, i give up to understand CFMX. I've removed the CFIDE copy (in iis).

I tried another solution also. I've created a virtual directory in IIS named "CFIDE" 
(not the case). Then i tried the same 2 processes (localhost/CFIDE and 
localhost/cfide) with the same results. 

Of course i could live without understanding why the hell CFMX inverts the case, since 
it should give a 404 error on cfide but not on CFIDE, but the case is that the SCRIPT 
tag that it puts on the templates has the SRC attribute "/CFIDE" so ALL OF MY CFFORMS 
give a Javascript validation error. 

That is pushing my patience to the limit!!!! >:-( 

I would be very thankfull if someone could help me on that.

Leonardo Crespo
ICQ: 198810

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