Hi All,

Does anyone here know why RDS might suddenly stop working on a CFMX server?  It was 
working fine until a couple of days ago and then it just suddenly stopped.  We are 
using the Enterprise edition of CFMX on a Win2K server with IIS.  We are not using 
advanced security.

Also, I have noticed that occasionally the debug information stops displaying at the 
bottom of my web pages.  I have a static ip, so no dhcp problems.  When this happens 
and I go into cf admin, the debuggin option has turned itself off.  I have confered 
with my co-workers and no one has gone in and changed any settings, the server just 
seems to do it on it's own every once in a while.  By the way, I turn it back on and 
it works until some random time in the future when it shuts itself back off.

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