(I sent this a couple of hours ago, but it doesn't seem to have made it.
Please forgive the re-post)
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="filename=quotareq.doc">
<cfcontent file="#expandPath("quotareq.doc")#" deletefile="No"
That is all the code that is in the template.  It works fine on our dev box,
but fails on our production server.  I have compared the files on both and
they are synched.  The only difference is that our production server is
ssl-only.  Could that be the issue?
Anything else I can check?
Thanks for any help.
Here's the error IE gives:
Internet explorer cannot download quotareq.cfm from (domain)
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site.  The requested
site is either unavailable or cannot be found.  Please try again later.
Matthew P. Smith 
Web Developer, Object Oriented 
Naval Education & Training Professional 
Development & Technology Center 
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245 
Matthew P. Smith 
Web Developer, Object Oriented 
Naval Education & Training Professional 
Development & Technology Center 
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245 

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