John, fabulous email, thanks.

Kind Regards - Mike Brunt

Original Message -----------------------
> Bastardized fusebox is simply that -- bastardized fusebox. It's sort of
> saying the application is "sort of MVC" or that the database is "sort of
> backed up" -- it is or it isn't.

well that's like CFC being "sort of" OO, now isn't it? :)

> thus there's no way to maintain and extend a single core.
> Instead, each developer does their own thing.

actually in Fusebox 4 you will be able to extend the core quite easily using
"plugins". And you will also pick your
choice of cores so that the end results in CF or PHP or ASP etc.

> That said, I'll reemphasize that it's easier to big a decent methodology
> the shelf and get the project done instead of trying to build your own.
> is a great contribution to CF for that reason alone.

One of the key points to Fusebox that was overlooked in the last few days --
and I was surprised at this since Andrew was a great example of the point --
is that Fusebox doesn't try to be "better" than some framework that an
individual developer like him could do. It's neither better nor worse, just
an agreed upon way of doing things.  In fact, for his projects his own
framework is likely better since he's so familiar with it (which also
explains why there isn't a pressing need for him to learn Fusebox).  But the
missed point is that his skillset, as tied to his own framework, is highly
limiting his opportunities to work with other people, because now they have
a learning curve of learning "his" framework, or he theirs.  Now, again, if
you run your own shop and have a handful of people that work for you, then
you might not need this at all. Perfect! If that is all you want to do, then
you're absolutely correct that that is all you need.

Or if you're a larger shop that has a vested interest in a "secret"
methodology -- much like the people of Florence at one time gave
Michaelangelo's David  a FigLeaf, which only serves to create interest in
what is covered up-- then any open publically known framework, Fusebox or
otherwise, has to be spun a certain way  since the heart of the business
centers on one's "secret sauce". Being the owner of several patented
processes, I can confirm that  is just as legitimate a business concern as
any other.

But in much larger organizations -- some recent "convertees" to Fusebox
among our own clients include Dell Computers, UPS, the Perth Mint, and the
the Canadian government's Natural Resources division --  the payoff of
Fusebox is tremendous -- the organization gets a known standard framework
(notice I'm not saying a  known "standard", but a known "standard
framework"). When they hire someone who knows Fusebox then they know they
are getting someone who does pretty darn close to what they already do -- so
that new hire will be able to get up to speed much quicker. And for
developers, learning Fusebox is a highly portable investment -- not only can
they use it for their "own" projects but they can work on other outside
projects without learning something totally new nor have to deliver projects
done in a 'proprietary' framework that the client has no idea how to
maintain and they can leverage the time they've spent investing in Fusebox
for multiple purposes. Not a bad idea during a recession.  Finally to the
end-customer, Fusebox also has advantages: they aren't tied to maintaining
their code only with the people who wrote it. They spend less money doing
the maintenance because it's based on some publically known framework. They
spend less money getting projects developed because they can compare bids as
apples-to-apples when it's based on a common framework especially when
combined with Persuasive Architecture.

The idea is less that of a religion -- despite the sometimes over-zelaous
claims of some Fusebox adherents that it will cure everything including the
common cold -- and  more of an "agreement to agree", a "lingua franca" if
you will.  You know, English is not the perfect language -- it spells poorly
relative to its pronounciation (linguists call that "poor phonography" which
sounds too close to "see teens get it on with farm animals" to ever be used
in the mainstream, ha ha).  On the other hand, Hungarian, which has good
phonography, is a very nice language and if I were a native Hungarian
speaker I'd probably love to speak it with my parents and with friends. Yet,
if I wanted to get along in the world, esp today's world of business and
technology, I would be crazy not to learn English. Does that make English
"better"? Depends on the metric. Do people have their own ways to speaking
English? Yes, just ask any Australian or fan of "The Sopranos."  Is there
any quasi-central body for promoting a "standard English" . Kinda -- but in
the end people pretty much talk any way they like.

So it is with Fusebox.  Just like with English, it can only help you to
learn it, since it becomes just one more skill in your arsenal.

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