StructDelete() should do the trick.
Here is a link to the appropriate syntax and use:


-----Original Message-----
From: FlashGuy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Force authentication screen

Is there a one liner that clears out all the session variables for my logout.cfm 

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:18:29 -0500, Tangorre, Michael wrote:

> What you need to do is the following:
> When the user clicks the logout button, clear their session out, and send them 
> outside of the secured area.

> For the closing of the browser, put this code into your application.cfm page:
> <cfif IsDefined("Cookie.CFID") AND IsDefined("Cookie.CFTOKEN")>
>       <cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID>
>       <cfset localCFToken = Cookie.CFTOKEN>
>       <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#localCFID#">
>       <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#localCFTOKEN#">
> </cfif>
> The makes sure that the cookies that CF uses for session management never get 
> written to disk, thus memory resident only, and thus gone when the browser closes.
> HTH,
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: FlashGuy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:06 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Force authentication screen
> Hi,
> I have a login template and database authentication that works great.
> My question is. How can I force the user to always authenticate after the browser 
> has been closed or they click on the logout button on my template?
> How can I also stop them from dragging a shortcut to the desktop to bypass the 
> authentication screen?
> Can I do this by clearing all the session varaibles etc.? If so, how?
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
> Commanding Officer
> Marine Ground Forces
> Guatanamo Bay, Cuba
> ---------------------------------------------------

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