Always check CFLib first...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
cell:  678-637-5072
aim:   cameroncf

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Owens, Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:28 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: anybody ever done: every n day of the month for a year ... 
> Well, for anybody interested ... this is what I have so far in trying to
> figure out a way of grabbing the N weekday of the month ... since the
> aforemented weekadd didn't work (it doesn't account for five week 
> months), I
> thought the best way to proceed would be to try to figure out the 
> first day
> of the month, figure out what the first N day is after than, then 
> increment
> up weekly after that.
> The following code is just draft/development code, not nearly yet 
> production
> code ... just thought I would throw it out for comment ... I know I still
> have one bug, but can't work on it any more tonight -- I discovered in my
> last test that November of this year throws up a first friday 
> with a Date of
> 0 ... oops!
> anyway ... this is what I've done so far ... I'm knocking off the for the
> night:
> <cfscript>
> /* first parse out month of the start date
>  * then find out the num val of the day of the week for the start date
>  * then grab the year
>  * then reconstruct the date to find the day of the week for the first of
> the month
>  * then add the num val of the recurrence day you want
>  * then add the two days together, then subtrack 1 =
>  * you now have the date of the first X day of the month
>  * then just construct a list by incrementing up by 7 for the month */
> seedParamWeekDay=6; // this would be a form var for (example) Friday
> seedParamWeekRecur=3; // this would be form var for recurrence week
> /* calculate the first day name/number of 
>  * the month in the seed/start-date month 
>  * start date comes from a form var */
> seedMonth=month('11/25/03'); // get start-date month
> seedYear=year('11/25/03'); // get start-date year
> seedDayOWk=DayOfWeek('#seedMonth#/1/#seedYear#'); // rebuild date 
> from start
> of the month
> seedFirstDay=(seedParamWeekDay-seedDayOWk)+1;
> /* build a list of all the days of the month for each week */
> week1=seedFirstDay;
> week2=week1+7;
> week3=week2+7;
> week4=week3+7;
> last=week4+7;
>       /*construct the last date in the weekly recurrence of the month
>       * the idea is that the date must be at least less than 31, but since
> some months
>       * have fewer than 31 days, we still want to make sure we don't wind
> up with 
>       * something like 2/31/03 */
>       if (last LTE 31 or isDate(#seedMonth#/#last#/#seedYear#)) {
>               last=last;
>       }
>       else {
>               last=week4;
>       }
> listmonth = '#week1#,#week2#,#week3#,#week4#,#last#';
> schDate=ListGetAt(listmonth, seedParamWeekRecur);
> writeoutput('seedParamWeekDay: ');
> writeoutput(seedParamWeekDay);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('seedParamWeekRecur: ');
> writeoutput(seedParamWeekRecur);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('seedMonth: ');
> writeoutput(seedMonth);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('seedYear: ');
> writeoutput(seedYear);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('seedDayOWk: ');
> writeoutput(seedDayOWk);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('seedFirstDay: ');
> writeoutput(seedFirstDay);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('listmonth: ');
> writeoutput(listmonth);
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('last date: ');
> writeoutput('#seedMonth#/#last#/#seedYear#');
> writeoutput('<br> ');
> writeoutput('date: ');
> writeoutput(schDate);
> </cfscript>


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