----- Original Message -----
From: "S. Isaac Dealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think what I'm really looking for is for there to be a way to do a lot
> not all) of that remaining stage work with the AS file. It doesn't
> necessarily need to be "hideously easy" the way a lot of stuff is in CF.
> a matter of fact I'd be okay with it being rather complex. ActionScript is
> sub-set of JavaScript and that's okay, so if I had a way of creating items
> on the stage and importing vector graphics from say Illustrator and
> them all using Flash,

Flash can import files from Illustrator (as well as tons of other formats),
and Illustrator can export SWF files.

However, if you are creating apps, then most of your work flow will be
draging your components (prebuilt UI widgets) into the app, and then writing
code that controls the components or reacts to user input or other events.
Once everything is working, you can give it to a designer to make it look

mike chambers


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