Yea but the issue with the  mm home page is that it takes initially a
while to load, then every click I make has this sluggishness to it, and
most of the buttons create a page request which seems contradict
macromedia flashes power of reducing http requests.

On a few flash lists I am active on general consensus is negative... I
definately share that..Although design is very nice and clean - it seems
like last years trend. Perks and snappy elements such as the previous
shortcuts worked MUCH faster, drop down lists on old site had some flare
and animation to them  - even things like on focus color change in the
text box is removed.

And those shortcuts - they are amazingly slow for me. I have on one of
my sites drop downs pulling from a mere access database with coldfusion
as server side that work substantially faster.

Can't help but not be to thrilled. Yesterday - I also went in because I
needed to research some technotes.. I gave up. I closed the site and
visited some other resources.
While I am sure that macr designers and flash developers worked hard and
it is an all around nice app - I can't help but be sad about the change.
I would have sent clients to macromedia home page on old site for them
to see a glimpse of flash in user on hybrid pages.. Now I wouldn't send
a client to review that home page.
just my 02.
I don't know what the focus was and this is beta - but I for one hope
the second release is much faster and "wow". The site and it's features
are just all around sluggish for me.. first request, and all requests
after that.

As for the interface remember what you last clicked - I don't mean to
sound like an ass- but not ingenious. Useful occasionally but many of us
flash people have been doing that for the last year through session vars
and cookies.

As a base architecture and layout - I think it shows potential if the
speed can be seriously increased.

but then again - it's just my 02 cents and who am I but a mere simple
multiple visit daily user..
jay miller

Christian Cantrell wrote:

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 10:59 AM, Benoit Hediard wrote:


They keep changing the groupings of things as well ... quite a

pain this morning to find the Exchanges... had to use the site map....


Not very hard...

Select "Product > ColdFusion MX" on the home page, and then you'll get 


direct access to the exchange.

(and it will remember this setting)


This is actually a very important point.  When you load a page 

containing one more more RIAs, it is very likely going to take longer 

than just loading a straightforward HTML page, however interacting with 

RIAs, in the long run, should save you several clicks.  And the fact 

that it remembers your selection is pretty ingenious, so basically, I 

now have a slightly customized version of the Macromedia home page that 

contains links directly to not just the product I am usually interested 

in, but different pages within that product section (including the 



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