> > may have it "working stable" with a completely 
> > different database and/or driver set, which 
> > won't help you in the least bit.
> No One has yet confirmed a "working stable" CFMX 
> ODBC Connection... with any database. 

Uh, that's not true. I confirmed a "working stable" CFMX ODBC connection to
SQL Server 2000; it's not mine, but a friend's site (U.S. gov't, internal,
relatively high-load, using trusted connections because it's required by the
security specification). I posted that earlier this afternoon.

> On the other hand we have had several people 
> report problems with CFMX ODBC...here. So what 
> is the logical conclusion?

That it doesn't work as well as a pure JDBC connection? What a surprise.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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