Hi. I'm using query of query to query a master query (lol, to many query)

  <!--- query of query --->
  <cfquery name="qGetProductCatListing" dbtype="query">
  FROM qGetProductsInfo
  WHERE ShowProd = 1 AND BrandLevel >= 0 AND CategoryID = <cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#arguments.categoryID#">

The ShowProd column is a tinyinteger, with 0 for NO and 1 for Yes. The query runs 
perfectly if its not used as query of query, but instead, used as a normal query, with 
datasource and stuff. Once i run this code (making sure, the master query exists), i 
got the following error

Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison. 

I also tried SHOWPROD IS TRUE, with no sucess. I know the error is in the ShowProd = 1 
our ShowProd IS TRUE, because if i remove that the query runs. I'm using mysql. 

Any ideas? I think it is interpreting ShowProd as anything but number or boolean but 
i'm not sure how to fix it


Leonardo Crespo
ICQ: 198810
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Dawson 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 4:38 PM
  Subject: Re: Free Mail Server

  check out firedaemon.com as a service utility

  also the discussion list for mercury is quite active - and a good resource 
  for questions.


  From: "Phillip B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Re: Free Mail Server
  Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:05:50 -0600

  I've been using Mercury mail for almost a year without any real problems.
  Two things though, it doesn't run as a service and the support for it is not
  that great. I'm looking for a new server because I'm not that happy with my

  Phillip B.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "jon roig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:50 PM
  Subject: RE: Free Mail Server

   > We've been very happy with mercury mail -- totally free, you can download
   > from pmail.com
   > Does SMPT, POP... even finger, should you want it.
   > -- jon
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: Robert Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   > Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:49 PM
   > To: CF-Talk
   > Subject: RE: Free Mail Server
   > I will second mail enable.
   > Thanks!
   > Robert Bailey
   > Famous for nothing
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: Kris Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   > Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
   > To: CF-Talk
   > Subject: RE: Free Mail Server
   > Mail Enable
   > Mailenable.com
   > Nice product...
   > Only $175 if you need webmail otherwise it is free
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: Paul Giesenhagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   > Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:58 AM
   > To: CF-Talk
   > Subject: OT: Free Mail Server
   > Anyone know of a good free mail server?  (sorry for the ot, but as
   > always you'all know everything)
   > Running on Windows2000 Advanced Server
   > IIS 5
   > Paul Giesenhagen
   > QuillDesign

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