Thanks to your requests we have just added a new class on CFCs and 
Object-Oriented ColdFusion by Hal Helms Training on Tuesday 3/11/03.
This is in just 5 days! (This is in addition to our Hal Helms 
Training class on Advanced Fusebox on Monday 3/10/03 which is nearly full!)

Plus if you are new to CFMX we have a "CFMX in Depth" class so you 
can learn all the neat new features in MX. Class limited to 12 students 
each so that you can be sure to get your own questions answered! 
Sign up today to guarantee a place at

- Michael Smith, 
TeraTech, Inc 
(Finalist CFDJ award for best training company)

Upcoming Classes
Mon 3/10/02 FB 202 - Advanced Fusebox and CFMX with Hal Helms Training $349 (NEW)
Tue 3/11/02 CF 207 - CFCs and Object Oriented CF with Hal Helms Training $349 (NEW)
Wed 3/12/03 CF 204 - CFMX in Depth: Opportunities and Challenges $349

FB 202 - Hal Helms Training Advanced Fusebox and CFMX
Full Day course 10am-5pm
Just $349, includes lunch
Instructor: Hal Helms

Prerequisite: FB201 or similar intermediate Fusebox knowledge.

FB202 is for people who have already met Fusebox and want to improve 
their skills with the new Fusebox and CFMX. Learn about using CFCs
with Fusebox, and learn advanced code reuse with MVC. 
Step up to the next level with your Fusebox 
programming with the master Fusecoder himself - Hal Helms.
and save yourself time and headaches when coding ColdFusion applications.

* Exception handling: "Everything's a fuseaction"
  - How to handle errors correctly in FB3
* Using CFCs: Adding power to your coding
  - What a CFC and how can you usethem with Fusebox
* Coding for reuse
  - When should you reuse code and when is it dangerous
* Fusebox and Model-View-Controller: An introduction
  - Why is MVC the next big thing and how to do it in Fusebox
* Fusebox Debugging and testing
  - How to debug effeciently and smart testing tips
* Learn the latest Fusebox techniques 
  - Be the first in your organization on the cutting edge of Fusebox today
* Q & A time 

* The class will also include a free copy of Hal's book on CFCs.

This class is given in association with Hal Helms Inc Training

CF207 - CFCs and Object Oriented CF
Full Day course 10am-5pm
Just $349, includes lunch
Instructor: Hal Helms

Prerequisite: CF201 or similar intermediate ColdFusion knowledge.

ColdFusion Components (CFCs) are very different from traditional ColdFusion 
programming. They borrow
many of the concepts of Object Oriented programming. This class will guide you to 
understanding how
to use them effectively, how to harness their power and avoid their pitfalls.
You will discover how to:

    * encapsulate your code into CFCs
      o How to do this and why it matters
    * use object inheritance to maximize code reuse
      o What inheritance in CF will and won't do and how to use it to the max!
    * create compositional/aggregational relationships between CFCs
      o Do you know how to combine CFCs together effectively?
    * go beyond the limitations of CFCs
      o Learn the limits to doing O-O programming in CF and how you can break them!
    * integrate CFCs with traditional ColdFusion code
      o Tips from the masters on using CFCs in the real world

Macromedia has made it clear that ColdFusion Components (CFCs) are key to ongoing 
ColdFusion MX
development. CFCs are used for Flash Remoting and web services If you're serious about 
your ColdFusion skills into CFMX and beyond, then this class is essential.

* The class will also include a free copy of Hal's book on CFCs.

This class is given in association with Hal Helms Inc Training

CF204 - CFMX in Depth: Opportunities and Challenges
Full Day course Sign-in 9:30am, Class 10am-5pm 
Just $349, includes lunch
written by Charlie Arehart, class given by Jo Belyea-Doerrman

ColdFusion MX, or CFMX, is the next release of ColdFusion which brings 
much, much more to the table than just new CF features. Driven by 
Macromedia's drive to create an entirely new set of web application
development tools (linking Flash, DreamWeaver, and more), it also 
brings to CFers the tools needed to take part in the latest 
development trends, including XML, web services, .NET and J2EE 
integration, and lots more.

In fact, there's really a lot more to CF than just those things. Sure, 
you may have heard about the ColdFusion component (CFC) capability, as 
well as the new graphing capabilities, etc. But did you know that 
there's really quite a bit more to CFMX than those top features that 
are marketed so heavily?

If you attended my seminar of a similar name and focus about CF 5, you 
know that we identified lots of things that you didn't hear as much 
about and that indeed you might not have easily found on your own. 
This seminar follows the same format, exploring the less popular but 
often more powerful and productive new features of CFMX. Of course, 
we'll also briefly highlight those most popular and well-discussed 
features as well.

As a bonus, there are many features you can leverage in CFMX that 
aren't discussed in any CFMX documentation, because they're really 
features of the underlying J2EE infrastructure. We'll point those out
as well. Cool stuff!

Partial List of Topics: 

     The big-name features: Components (CFCs), Flash integration, XML 
and web services support, .Net
     integration new, charting features 
          Understanding them, leveraging them
     Understanding the J2EE integration 
          Leveraging it in your CF code 
          Leveraging integration with JSP and servlets

     Migrating your code to CFMX 
     New debugging capabilities 
     Leveraging JSP custom tags, supporting internationalization 
     New login security and developer sandbox security capabilities 
     Enhanced UDFs with CFFUNCTION, improved CFMAIL handling 
     Query of query enhancements, regular expression improvements 
     Many other hidden gems


For class details and registration please go to:

All classes will be held at TeraTech training center

         12221 Parklawn Dr Ste 200
            Rockville MD 20852
         phone 301-881-1440
         email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ On-site ]
On-site and customized classes are available for your organization. 
Contact Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more details.
Register now! Seats are limited.

[ CF Help ]
Need expert ColdFusion, SQL, VB and Access Programming? Project stuck 
and need one-on-one help? Looking for onsite training? Call TeraTech 
800-447-9120 or email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] We get you moving 

TeraTech voted top ColdFusion consulting company in the CFDJ awards

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc
CF , VB, SQL, Math programming 
12221 Parklawn Dr Ste 200, Rockville MD 20852-1711 USA 
Voice: +1-301-881-1440 x110, 800-447-9120  Fax:301-881-3586
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 66057682

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ColdFusion and related topics.


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