> 09/03 12:17:03 error Could not connect to any JRun servers 
> on host localhost.

Are you running any kind of personal firewall software? If so, you may need
to disable it or exclude the ports used by JRun (which escape me offhand).
There's a technote on the MM site which lists all the ports used by JRun and
CFMX, but I don't recall the URL offhand.

If you can't find the technote, you can determine the listening ports with
the newest version of TCPView from the great guys at
http://www.sysinternals.com/. I just found this latest version the other
day. It lists the open ports, as well as what's listening at each port. The
old version just did this for WinXP, but the new version works on Win2K
also. According to TCPView, on my machine running CFMX Enterprise against
IIS 5, JRun is listening on these ports: 1357, 2522, 2901, 8103, 8500 (I've
got the JRun web server running too) and 51010, and the SequeLink services
(ODBC Agent and ODBC Server) are listening on 19997 and 19998 respectively.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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