dan martin wrote:
> I am currently using ms access with a growing 20mb database that I need to upgrade. 
> My initial plan was to migrate over to SQL 2000 because that seems to be the most 
> painless (except for price). I am wondering if it would make more sense to migrate 
> to an open source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running win2k with cf5 and would 
> like to keep the db on the same server.
> Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3 choices running 
> on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql or postgresql?

Access to PostgreSQL is very little work. Make sure you read the chapter 
on datatypes and you are set to go. After you have converted your data 
you need to look over your queries. PostgreSQL supports more 
join/subquery constructs as Access, so that is no problem. But you might 
need to rewrite some of your queries because functions like Year() and 
DatePart() are not present in PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL uses the standard 
Extract() for that (writing your own Year() and DatePart() functions is 
With MySQL data conversion is similar, but rewriting your queries is a 
little bit the other way around. Subqueries are not supported so you 
would need to rewrite them, but there are more functions that behave the 
same betweeen Access and MySQL.

But don't forget that query syntax between Access and MS SQL Server 
requires some changes too.

> Are there obvious benefits performance or feature wise between the choices?

Featurewise MS SQL Server has advantages over PostgreSQL, which in turn 
has many advantages over MySQL.
I don't think performance matters much for such a small database, except 
in some rare scenario's. For example, if you disable connection pooling, 
PostgreSQL will take a much heavier performance hit (it uses one process 
for each connection). Or if you have some extremely long running 
requests MS SQL Server will only have limited CALs left to serve other 

The biggest disadvantage of PostgreSQL, and the one reason I not 
outright recommending it, is that all the native versions for Windows 
are still in Beta. You can run a Cygwin version, but it has implications 
for performance and there might be compatibilities issues if you run 
other Cygwin applications. I am happily running the beta for a few 
months now, but that is development only.

BTW, one database you didn't mention was Firebird. I hear it is almost 
as capable as PostgreSQL and it does have a native Windows version. 
Unfortunately, I have spent too little time working with it to say more.


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