Hi ,
            This problems has not yet solved.. really appreciate if u have
any ideas..
I have written following code to display date.. 
<cfquery name="getDate" datasource="DSN_Test">
select D_DATE from employee
<cfoutput query="getDate" >
but in CFMX environment  it shows : 2003-04-30 00:00:00.0  (milli seconds
format.. Its java locale standard date format. Default format.)
In CF5.0 Environment it shows : 04/30/2003 00:00:00  (normal format)
So here my question is that can we change this default milliseconds format
to normal format in CFMX environment with out writing the code.. I know that
we can write the code to convert one format to another..but we have a lot of
places in another files.. so is there any file where we can change default
format to normal format in globally.. it should reflect in all cfm pages
Thanks in Advance..
Best regards

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